Di-Pac® Direct Compacting and Tableting Sugar
Di-Pac® Direct Compacting and Tableting Sugar is a unique dry fondant sugar manufactured by a patented technique solely for use in the pharmaceutical industry as an excipient. Its useful properties include high flowability, low hygroscopicity, sweetness and nonreactivity with other tablet components. Di-Pac® Direct Compacting and Tableting Sugar meets the requirement of the National Formulary for compressible sugars for use in coatings syrups. Other applications include a wide range of tablets, chewables, and gums.


NF Sugar
NF® Granulated Sugars are unique dry sugars manufactured to the highest quality standards. Their useful properties and variation of granulation sizes (extra fine to large) aid technologists to impart sweetness as well as fortify and enhance the final application. NF® Sugars meet the requirement of the National...